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ebook - Microsoft® Access® 2010: Complete
Free download ebook - Microsoft® Access® 2010: Complete.
Microsoft Access 2010: Complete is intended for a six- to nine-week period in a course that teaches Access 2010 in conjunction with another application or computer concepts. No experience with a computer is assumed, and no mathematics beyond the high school freshman level is required. The objectives of this book are:
- To offer an in-depth presentation of Microsoft Access 2010
- To expose students to practical examples of the computer as a useful tool
- To acquaint students with the proper procedures to create databases suitable for coursework, professional purposes, and personal use
- To help students discover the underlying functionality of Access 2010 so they can become more productive
- To acquaint students with the proper procedures to create databases suitable for coursework, professional purposes, and personal use
- To develop an exercise-oriented approach that allows learning by doing
Microsoft Access 2010: Complete offers a number of new features and approaches, which improve student understanding, retention, transference, and skill in using Access 2010. The following enhancements will enrich the learning experience:
- Offi ce 2010 and Windows 7: Essential Concepts and Skills chapter presents basic Offi ce 2010 and Windows 7 skills.
- Streamlined fi rst chapter allows the ability to cover more advanced skills earlier.
- Chapter topic redistribution offers concise chapters that ensure complete skill coverage.
- New pedagogical elements enrich material creating an accessible and user-friendly approach.
- Break Points, a new boxed element, identify logical stopping points and give students instructions regarding what they should do before taking a break.
- Within step instructions, Tab | Group Identifi ers, such as (Home tab | Bold button), help students more easily locate elements in the groups and on the tabs on the Ribbon.
- Modifi ed step-by-step instructions tell the student what to do and provide the generic reason why they are completing a specifi c task, which helps students easily transfer given skills to different settings.
Contents at a Glance
Microsoft Office 2010 and Windows 7
Offi ce 2010 and Windows 7: Essential Concepts and Skills
Office 2010 and Windows 7
Introduction to the Windows 7 Operating System
Introduction to Microsoft Offi ce 2010
Starting and Using a Program
Saving and Organizing Files
Screen Resolution
Additional Common Features of Offi ce Programs
Moving, Renaming, and Deleting Files
Microsoft Offi ce and Windows Help
Chapter Summary
Learn It Online
Apply Your Knowledge
Extend Your Knowledge
Make It Right
In the Lab
Cases and Places
Microsoft Access 2010
CHAPTER ONE: Databases and Database Objects: An Introduction
Project — Database Creation
Designing a Database
Creating a Database
The Access Window
Creating a Table
Previewing and Printing the Contents of a Table
Creating Additional Tables
Importing Data from Other Applications to Access
Additional Database Objects
Database Properties
Special Database Operations
CHAPTER TWO: Querying a Database
Project — Querying a Database
Creating Queries
Joining Tables
Creating a Form for a Query
Exporting Data from Access to Other Applications
Adding Criteria to a Join Query
Crosstab Queries
CHAPTER THREE: Maintaining a Database
Project — Maintaining a Database
Updating Records
Filtering Records
Changing the Database Structure
Mass Changes
Validation Rules
Changing the Appearance of a Datasheet
Multivalued Fields in Queries
Referential Integrity
Ordering Records
CHAPTER FOUR: Creating Reports and Forms
Project — Project — Reports and Forms
Report Creation
Multitable Reports
Form Creation
Mailing Labels
CHAPTER FIVE: Multitable Forms
Project — Multitable Forms
Adding Special Fields
Updating the New Fields
Joining Tables
Multitable Form Techniques
Object Dependencies
Date/Time, Memo, and Yes/No Fields in Queries
Datasheets in Forms
Creating a Multitable Form Based on the Many Table
CHAPTER SIX: Advanced Report Techniques
Project — Advanced Report Techniques
Additional Tables
Creating Reports in Design View
Project — Using SQL
SQL Background
SQL Queries
Joining Tables
Comparison with Access-Generated SQL
Updating Data through SQL
APPENDIX A: Project Planning Guidelines
Using Project Planning Guidelines
APPENDIX B: Publishing Offi ce 2010 Web Pages Online
Quick Reference Summary
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